Wish I could rate it no stars. Hated it and it keeps crashing. So glad it was a free app cuz wouldnt be worth even .99.
Wish I could rate it no stars. Hated it and it keeps crashing. So glad it was a free app cuz wouldnt be worth even .99.
My suggestions; New thumbnail Fix the crashes THAX!
Everything in general needs to be worked on. The 2 main things Ive noticed so far: -have an option for no push notifications. They are very annoying -fix the grammar and sentence structure mistakes. It makes you look extremely unprofessional.
1. Crashes quite a lot 2. Cant turn the music off when you are in the shop 3. When trying on makeup, should show close up of our characters to get a better view of what you are buying 4. When trying on hair, clothes, even makeup, should show us what our characters are already wearing at the moment so we can do a good comparison Once you guys get these fixed, I will give it a 5 stars :)
i was playong and it crash i tryed to return but all my data were lost wow so nice ...-.- so i just delete it
Definitely helps pass time. However, it feels half finished. Some options are missing here and here, I wont go into detail but some of the other reviews have covered that subject. Im excited for the Open a Boutique and hope well see that update soon. If you smooth out the rough edges and some interesting updates are added, you can easily expect 5 stars from me. Thanks!
this game is fun to play! Im excited to be able to open my own boutique! but it crashes quite often. at least my data doesnt get erased :S
3.Things This Game Needs 1.Needs To have a house to decorate 2.Needs To let us buy cash money and coins 4. You did not notice I skipped 3. Now your checking and smiling
Fun but you need to be able to get energy faster. and decorate your house.
Its fun, but needs a lot of work. It crashes all the time, energy should be higher or healed faster when you level up, more clothing/store selection... Etc Fix the bugs, I hate it when it crashes
I love this game, its lots of fun, but I can no longer open my look book. Its quite annoying, as every time I save something or try to go to it, it glitches and goes back to my iPads main screen. Please fix this in the next update! Great game, though.
Love this game, highly addictive but crashes too often. Would love it if more purchases could be made for hair and make up with coins and not just dollars. Please fix the bugs!
I complete my daily tasks, the app says Im awarded cash, and it never shows up. Getting very frustrated.
its a really cool app but it should have more stuff like a boyfriend and a house and more! it also keeps crashing so please fix it! <--- it crashes too often!!!!! fix it!!!!!
Agree with RAINEE AND LOVE..... This game is interesting, but a few suggestions to fix and i will reccomend it to ALL my friends: When trying on make up,be able to see it close up When trying in clothes not having a naked, no make up bald girl, a girl with the clothes she is currently wearing would be nice... Be able to go up to 100 energy Be able to buy cash offline with the coins u have AND MORE! please this just needs a huge fix in general, fix it and it will b 5 stars :) Also, be able to go into your lookbook,pick an outfit, click on it and have ur character wearing it THANKS!
I have the free app version and my lookbook just blacks out and sends me to my homescreen! Idk if anyone else is experiencing the same problem...
I like this game, but it crashes every 2 minutes. If this crashing proceeds to keep happening; I am going to remove this game permantely. Fix the Problem!!!!!
It is just anther game that copys this cost 1.99 you should just go and get top girl
Ive been playing this game out of boredom for a few weeks and Ive already bought out every single coin item from the stores. The only clothes left can only be bought for cash, which is hard to earn or has to be bought with real money. Once those clothes are bought, the game is pretty much pointless to play. The biggest problem of the game is the lack of variety in the items. Has the designer never heard of boots? Do girls only wear pumps? Come on. The clothes are quite poorly designed. You arent able to wear certain clothes at the same time, which really limits the ability to use "layering" for creativity in styles. Overall, not a very good game. If you want something more fun, try Poupee Girl instead.
Loved playing it but it hasnt stopped crashing in the last few days! Shoe and clothes choices are poor and badly designed. Layering not possible!